Wednesday, June 17, 2009

And you wonder why even my own mother loves him more than me...

The Todd invited my dad over for dinner tonight and sent him home with a big care package of pot roast. When I dropped my sister Jenne off after her birthday dinner, he'd left her a birthday present on the porch. At home, the house was spotless and he was spending quality time with the twins (that one's Zachie, by the way.) Ladies and gentlemen, he is not simply The Todd, he is the UBER Todd!


  1. Good job, UBER, for being...well..UBER. And good job, Erin, for giving him credit. Not enough of either in marriages and families these days. (and I'm divorced. I oughtta know)

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  4. ok I need to get my glasses cuz I keep messing up my post >>>I Hate getting old!

    Anyway Erin doesn't your heart just hubby ( Brett is the same way...I swear my mom loves him more than me ( JK) But I have always felt my Brett was my prince charming...looks like you Erin have your prince charming too!!! So blessed huh?! Way to go UBER Todd!!!!!!!
